If you work in a service industry, it is critical that you have adequate personal liability insurance in place. This insurance, commonly called E & O (errors and omissions), protects those who are involved in providing advice to their clients. When an error or omission has occurred, or if one of your clients claims you have failed in your professional duty to them, the risks of financial loss are high. With the right type of E & O insurance and the proper level of coverage, you don’t put your own financial health at risk should the unexpected occur. Various business activities need E & O insurance, including:
• Insurance professionals
• Financial planners
• Physicians
• Attorneys
• Architects
• Engineers
• Ad agencies
• Commercial printers
• Web hosting companies
• Wedding planners
• Others
E & O Insurance Policies That Make Sense
The bottom line is that if you provide a service to the community, you should be protected against legal threats that could come your way, either due to an error, omission, or even wrongly. Nothing is more stressful and concerning than facing a lawsuit from a client or customer. Your personal liability insurance provides you with coverage against these risks, and provides you with the funds to fight a lawsuit or pay damages if the lawsuit is successful. It is important that your policy reflects reality and matches the type of enterprise you have.
At Timeless Insurance Solutions, we work to identify the best possible E & O insurance policies for our clients. We take the time to understand your industry and the various risks you could potentially face. Talk to us about your personal liability insurance. We would be happy to help you with this important part of protecting your business operation.