A 3-Step Plan for Early Retirement

A 3-Step Plan for Early Retirement

Do you want to retire early? You’re not alone. According to a recent study from MSN, two-thirds of millennials want to retire before age 65.1 That’s well ahead of the current Social Security full retirement age of 67.

Retirement is a challenge at any age. Many Americans lack the needed savings to fully retire in their late 60s or even early 70s. Early retirement is an even more difficult challenge. If you retire early, you could spend more time in retirement than you did saving for retirement. You may spend many of the early years of retirement without the benefit of Social Security or Medicare.

The good news is you can retire early if you develop a plan and stay disciplined. Below are three steps to help you get started on your planning. As is the case with any financial planning, your decisions and actions should be based on your unique needs and objectives. A financial professional can help you develop and implement your strategy to retire early.


Estimate your need.

Any retirement strategy should start with an estimate of your spending needs. It’s impossible to predict your exact spending in the future, but with a little research, you can probably develop a reasonable projection.

Look at your current spending and consider how it might change when you retire. Will you downsize to a smaller home? Will you travel or take up a new hobby? How much money will you need to live? Also, remember to account for inflation up until and throughout retirement.

Once you have a spending estimate, consider how many years you may live in retirement. Those retiring at traditional age may need to plan for a retirement of 20 or 30 years. If you retire early, however, you may need to plan on funding 40 years or more of living expenses. If you multiply your annual spending estimate by your retirement duration, you should get a ballpark figure of how much you may need to save.


Calculate your savings requirement.

Of course, you may not need to fund your total living expenses with savings. You will likely benefit from Social Security, and you may have access to a pension or other source of retirement income. Deduct those income sources from your spending needs to estimate your required savings amount.

Once you know how much you need to save, you can develop a savings road map. Determine how much you should save each year to hit your target before retirement. Also, consider how your investment strategy may impact your savings growth. Be sure to consider poor investment returns and how lower-than-expected performance could affect your plans.

Once you have your savings targets in place, the hard part is staying disciplined and meeting your savings goals every month. Work to limit your unnecessary spending so you can meet your objectives.


Bridge any gaps.

You may find that even with a spending estimate and savings plan in place, you still won’t have enough to retire as early as you would like. If so, you have a few choices. You can delay retirement a bit so you can save more money, or you can find a way to save more money each year.

A third option is to scale back your retirement plans. Look for areas to reduce your projected spending. You could downsize to a smaller home or reduce your travel budget. You could also work part time or seasonally in retirement to generate extra income. Think of ways to reduce your savings need so you can still hit your target.

Ready to develop your early retirement strategy? Let’s talk about. Contact us at Timeless Solutions. We can help you analyze your needs and implement a plan. Let’s connect soon and start the conversation.




Licensed Insurance Professional. This information is designed to provide a general overview with regard to the subject matter covered and is not state specific. The authors, publisher and host are not providing legal, accounting or specific advice for your situation. By providing your information, you give consent to be contacted about the possible sale of an insurance or annuity product. This information has been provided by a Licensed Insurance Professional and does not necessarily represent the views of the presenting insurance professional. The statements and opinions expressed are those of the author and are subject to change at any time. All information is believed to be from reliable sources; however, presenting insurance professional makes no representation as to its completeness or accuracy. This material has been prepared for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide, and should not be relied upon for, accounting, legal, tax or investment advice. This information has been provided by a Licensed Insurance Professional and is not sponsored or endorsed by the Social Security Administration or any government agency.

17596 – 2018/4/19

Baby Boomers Aren’t Prepared for Retirement

Baby Boomers Aren’t Prepared for Retirement

A recent Gallup study found that more than half of Americans are concerned that they won’t have enough money for retirement.1 There may be good reason for that concern, especially for baby boomers who are nearing retirement.

A study from the Insured Retirement Institute found that 42 percent of baby boomers have no retirement savings. Of those who do have savings, 38 percent have less than $100,000. And only 38 percent have estimated their savings need.2

Are you one of the many boomers who isn’t prepared for retirement? The good news is that it’s never too late to take fast action and get back on track with your savings. Below are three tips to help you correct course with your retirement savings. You may also want to consult with a financial professional to help you develop a customized plan.


Maximize your qualified account contributions.

Qualified plans such as 401(k) accounts and IRAs are popular retirement savings vehicles. They often allow for tax-deferred growth, which may help you accumulate assets faster than you would in a similar taxable account. Also, your 401(k) may offer matching employer contributions.

One of the best ways to boost your retirement preparedness is to maximize your contributions to your qualified plans. In 2018 you can contribute as much as $18,500 to a 401(k) and up to $6,000 to an IRA.3

If you’re age 50 or older, however, you can contribute even more money. You’re allowed to make up catch-up contributions of an extra $5,500 to a 401(k) and $1,000 to an IRA. Look for ways to trim your spending so you can contribute the maximum levels to your tax-deferred plans.


Look for guaranteed* income opportunities.

Longevity is an issue that many boomers fail to consider. Retirees are living longer than ever. For a 65-year-old couple today, there’s a 73 percent chance that one will live to 90 and a 47 percent chance that one will live to 95.2 Even if you save enough for retirement, it can be difficult to make those savings last multiple decades.

Guaranteed lifetime income can help you reduce the risk that you’ll run out of money in the later years of retirement. You’ll likely have some level of guaranteed income from Social Security and possibly a pension. However, you can use tools such as annuities to convert some of your savings into an income stream that’s guaranteed for life, no matter how long you live. A financial professional can help you determine which type of annuity is right for you.


Rethink your retirement plans.

Finally, it may be necessary to rethink retirement. With some simple adjustments to your plans, you can reduce your future spending and bridge your savings gap. For example, you may want to consider working a few extra years to give yourself an opportunity to save more money. Or you could downsize to a smaller home to minimize your living expenses.

Also, don’t discount the idea of working part time or seasonally in retirement. Many retirees find that they have too much time on their hands. A part-time job can help you fill your empty schedule and give you a stream of income so you can reduce withdrawals from your savings.

Ready to get your retirement back on track? Let’s talk about it. Contact us at Timeless Solutions. We can help you analyze your needs and develop a strategy. Let’s connect soon and start the conversation.






Licensed Insurance Professional. This information is designed to provide a general overview with regard to the subject matter covered and is not state specific. The authors, publisher and host are not providing legal, accounting or specific advice for your situation. By providing your information, you give consent to be contacted about the possible sale of an insurance or annuity product. This information has been provided by a Licensed Insurance Professional and does not necessarily represent the views of the presenting insurance professional. The statements and opinions expressed are those of the author and are subject to change at any time. All information is believed to be from reliable sources; however, presenting insurance professional makes no representation as to its completeness or accuracy. This material has been prepared for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide, and should not be relied upon for, accounting, legal, tax or investment advice. This information has been provided by a Licensed Insurance Professional and is not sponsored or endorsed by the Social Security Administration or any government agency.

17597 – 2018/4/19